If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident in Pinellas County, FL then you might be wondering what the next steps are. Regardless of the severity of the accident or crash, there are certain requirements[...]
With over 25,000 auto accidents in Pinellas County every year, knowing what to do when you’re a victim of a car accident is essential in any successful insurance claim. Contacting an Auto Accident Attorney will significantly boost your chances of[...]
After a car accident, many people and many medical providers for that matter are focused on the most emergent of injuries. These injuries include broken bones, cuts, lacerations, and other injuries which require immediate attention. However, what happens if an[...]
Is Pinellas County, Florida really the most dangerous place to bicycle in America? According to an article published by the Wall Street Journal on September 25, 2018, based upon their analysis of data, they came to this conclusion. Specifically, they[...]
If you’ve suffered from an accident that wasn’t your fault, you’ll need to make a claim to recover your damages. In a successful claim, you can recover lost wages, medical bills and start rebuilding your life again after this extremely[...]
A motor Vehicle accident can be frightening and confusing, and it’s important to know what you should do in the event of an accident. According to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles, there are almost 250,000 motor vehicle accidents in[...]
America is facing an unsettling statistic, accident fatalities behind the wheel of a car at an all-time high over the past decade. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released its latest report indicating car accidents killed 37,461 people in 2016,[...]
It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that insurance companies in Florida keep getting richer selling auto insurance, but the massive increases in revenues across the board are startling. According to the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, State Farm, Geico[...]
I get questions like the above all of the time arising from accidents in Pinellas County. There is a general misunderstanding about what injuries are covered if one is involved in an auto accident, a truck accident or motorcycle accident.[...]
If you have been involved in a car accident or truck accident, you will often immediately feel the symptoms of your injuries. However, it is also entirely common for one’s adrenaline to mask the effects of the injuries until later[...]