I’m Steve Haberkorn, undergraduate and accounting at the University of Central Florida with regards to autonomous driving vehicles and the debate over whether or not it would improve public safety or lead to more accidents in future. A list of[...]
Throughout history, there has been a trade-off of moving from safe and known forms of transportations to more efficient and faster ways such as walking or riding a horse. The most common form of transportation today is a car. The[...]
Hi, my name is Lucas Kasarjian III and this is my video response essay to the question, will autonomous driving vehicles improve safety or lead to more accidents and injuries? And to me the first thing that comes to mind[...]
Our society has seen technological advances beyond comprehension in this modern-day, the iPhone 3d printing, even genetic engineering. However, recent debates have centered around the safety of autonomous driving vehicles. With this new developing technology, many are concerned of its[...]
Medical Treatment After the Car Accident If you have been involved in a car accident, the question ultimately is raised, “Should I hire a car accident attorney”. The answer to this question is a resounding “Yes.” The very basic premise[...]
At St. Petersburg Personal Injury Attorneys McQuaid & Douglas, we recognize that rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft have changed the way people are getting from place to place. This article deals with what happens if an Uber or[...]
Uber and Lyft are dominating the rideshare business in St. Petersburg and throughout the Tampa Bay area. As you drive around town, you likely have seen the illuminated Uber and Lyft signs in the windows of vehicles. With the increased[...]
The Car Accident Investigation If you have been involved in a car accident, the question ultimately is raised, “Should I hire a car accident attorney”. The answer to this question is a resounding “Yes.” The very basic premise behind this[...]
If you have been involved in a car accident in St. Petersburg, you will likely have many questions that can only be answered by a lawyer. The days after a car accident can be overwhelming. You will likely be contacted[...]
If you have been injured in a car accident in St. Petersburg or anywhere in the Tampa Bay area, you may be considering hiring an attorney. Car accident injuries are unlike any other type of injury. They often involve injuries[...]