Although riding a motorcycle can be a fun way to enjoy Florida’s weather, it can also be extremely dangerous. Florida is second to only Texas for the highest number of motorcycle accidents each year. California is actually a distant third. The[...]
Handling car accident cases in the Tampa Bay area, Personal Injury Attorney’s McQuaid and Douglas have seen a plethora of injuries and fatalities resulting from the negligent operation of motor vehicles. But one statistic continues to stick out. Over the[...]
One of the biggest issues in any personal injury case is keeping track of medical bills. Medical bills are often the biggest risk and problem with a case for a number of reasons. In Florida, 80% of medical bills up to $10,000 are covered through PIP, or no-fault[...]
We see many people who are injured on the job who have questions about whether they can still make an accident claim. Most people automatically believe that because you were injured while technically working, your only option is to treat through worker’s compensation. That[...]
When a personal injury case cannot be settled, your lawyer may recommend that a lawsuit is filed. Personal injury lawsuits are becoming increasingly more common because insurance companies have calculated that they can avoid paying out as much money by weeding out lawyers who[...]
After an auto accident in St. Petersburg, FL, you technically have 14 days to see a doctor to qualify for no-fault (PIP) insurance benefits. But, just because Florida allows 14 days in order to get your medical bills covered, it does not[...]
People injured from a trip and fall on Walmart property received an important legal victory by Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeals on March 20, 2019. After Walmart convinced a trial court judge in Broward County to dismiss a trip and fall personal[...]
The proliferation of rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft raises interesting issues related to liability and insurance coverage when you are injured in an Uber or Lyft accident. According to articles published on, Uber drivers complete approximately 15 million trips[...]
One of the most common side effects following an accident injury is lack of sleep. Virtually every personal injury client over my career has described some type of change in sleep patterns as a result of the accident. Of course, the severity[...]
We hope that you are not involved in an accident and don’t need to hire a local St. Petersburg personal injury attorney, but if you do, we believe that we are best served to help. Many clients come to us after being injured for[...]